Today I've been in London (again... Really don't know how many times I've been there during my life. But I love it, so I don't care). Anyway, I went up there to meet up with my brother-in-law, who's in town for a concert. We went shoeshopping (don't worry, the shoes was for him, not me), sweathershopping and had lunch at Pizza Hut. Why I don't go there more often, I don't know, cuz it amazing food! Maybe a good thing that I'm not there to much ;) Although I saw him last weekend, it was still nice to see him and speak Norwegian. I've figuered out that sometimes it's better to be in London with guys. Easier somehow. But I'm really looking forward to my sightseeing day with Desireé before we're leaving! I think that's going to be a lot of fun :)
When I got back to Brighton I was met with some disapointing news... Chelsea had crushed Aston Villa 7-1 and Arsenal could only draw 1-1 against Birmingham. Typical of them (B.) to level during added time... United started their game at 5.30 pm, so when I turned on my computer it was still 0-0 and neither Rooney nor Ferdinand was playing. Not great news. Hopefully they're just out because of the Bayern Munich game on Tuesday. Injury is however a concern. But worry not though! Manchester did what they do best, and won 4-0! Fantastic! At least we're still top, despite the fact that Chelsea are just one point behind. We can't afford to slip up now. This title-run will continue to the very last day, and I for one won't bet anything on anyone to win. Got NO clue!
Girl blogging about life and other random thoughts (especially football). Twitter and Instagram: IreneH50
lørdag 27. mars 2010
mandag 22. mars 2010
Back in England
Yesterday I got back to Brighton after a great week at home. My parents and I went to Bergen to visit my sister, brother-in-law and nephew from Friday to Sunday. It was good to see them again and even more special to me since my sister asked me to be godmother to my new nephew, who is due 23. April. Of course I said yes. You know... Once I stopped crying. She took me completely by surprise, but I'm very proud :)
Since my brain apparently isn't back from Norway yet, I've lost my train of thought and don't know what to write, so I'll get back to you when my brain has arrived...
Since my brain apparently isn't back from Norway yet, I've lost my train of thought and don't know what to write, so I'll get back to you when my brain has arrived...
lørdag 13. mars 2010
Holiday :)
I'm home at last :D Whohoo! Fantastic feeling. This week will be spent with friends, family, doctors appointment and football! Since both Arsenal and Manchester went through to the next round of Champions League, and Real Madrid didn't, I'm looking forward to another week with football going my way :) Come on Inter and Barcelona!
onsdag 10. mars 2010
31 years ago...
What happened on this day 31 years ago you may think. Well, let me tell you. My mother and father finally got together. After my mom had been admiring my dad for some time (not quite sure how long) my dad finally decided to give it a go. Appearantly my mom sat down on my dads lap and told him to make up his mind (as you can see, my mom goes after what she wants). Luckily he was smart enough to make the right choice :D
Congratulations mom and dad! Here's to an other fabolous 31 years!
Love you lots!

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of them on my computer...
tirsdag 9. mars 2010
Happy birthday, daddy!
On this day, 51 years ago, my grandparents gave birth to the best man in the world! I am lucky enough to have him as my father!
I hope you'll have a great day despite the fact that you're in Finland attending meetings. I'm thinking about you a lot and can't wait to see you on Friday! :D Enjoy YOUR day and have a safe trip home again! I love you, daddy dearest!
I hope you'll have a great day despite the fact that you're in Finland attending meetings. I'm thinking about you a lot and can't wait to see you on Friday! :D Enjoy YOUR day and have a safe trip home again! I love you, daddy dearest!

søndag 7. mars 2010
Shopping - money = ???
First thing first: Jéssica requested that I write my blog in English, so that she can read it as well. Since I'm too lazy to have two blogs, I'll just change this one. Any questions, just ask.
Yesterday, Jéssica, Desirée and I went to London to shop. Now, I don't have a lot of money, because I forgot to transfer it on Friday, so I didn't buy anything. That's a rather strange situation when I go to London. It never happens. I guess there's some truth to the saying; there's a first time for everything ;) Anyway. We started the morning by looking for a dress for Jéssica, because she's going to a wedding when she goes back to Spain. That wasn't so easy. We went to both Debenhams and House of Fraiser (x2) and she tried on dresses, but didn't buy anything. She's very hard to please... The rest of the day was spent walking from Oxford Street to Covent Garden and back again via Waterstones. Thank you, sis! I love that store! It's a huge bookshop close to Piccadilly Circus. We have one in Brighton as well, but it's not as big. This is where I've bought most of the books I've bought since I've been here. I've got too many!
Oh, I almost forgot. United won their game yesterday, so that means we're top of the league again! Back where we belong :) And Paul Scholes scored his 100th Premier League goal. Congratz!
Yesterday, Jéssica, Desirée and I went to London to shop. Now, I don't have a lot of money, because I forgot to transfer it on Friday, so I didn't buy anything. That's a rather strange situation when I go to London. It never happens. I guess there's some truth to the saying; there's a first time for everything ;) Anyway. We started the morning by looking for a dress for Jéssica, because she's going to a wedding when she goes back to Spain. That wasn't so easy. We went to both Debenhams and House of Fraiser (x2) and she tried on dresses, but didn't buy anything. She's very hard to please... The rest of the day was spent walking from Oxford Street to Covent Garden and back again via Waterstones. Thank you, sis! I love that store! It's a huge bookshop close to Piccadilly Circus. We have one in Brighton as well, but it's not as big. This is where I've bought most of the books I've bought since I've been here. I've got too many!
Waterstones <3
It was a good day, but I'm so tired these days. Don't know why I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I'm going back to school tomorrow or going home on Friday. I'm so looking forward to it (going home, that is). Miss everyone so much.
My mind is mainly two places these days: thinking of the friends who are leaving this weekend (especially Jéssica. I'll miss you so much! But I'm coming to Spain! Don't you worry! ;) ) and going home on Friday. It's going to be interesting to pack on Thursday (a lot of books and shoes...). Gonna try to bring home stuff I don't need the next couple of months. Can't believe it's March already. So strange to think I could have been going home next weekend.Oh, I almost forgot. United won their game yesterday, so that means we're top of the league again! Back where we belong :) And Paul Scholes scored his 100th Premier League goal. Congratz!
fredag 5. mars 2010
Ferdig med praksis
Da var tre uker med praksis over. Det er en litt rar følelse. Vet ikke helt hva jeg tenker om å dra tilbake til skolen på mandag. Det blir godt å slippe å ha så lange dager, men samtidig har det vært greit å ha et avbrekk fra EF. Fikk et ganske bra "kompliment" fra en av kollegaene mine (Katarina) i dag. Hun sa at hun kom til å savne meg når jeg slutter, og da jeg sa at i dag var den siste dagen min, synes hun det var kjipt, for hun trodde jeg hadde en uke til. Mulig jeg ser Karen på onsdag, for hun vil se CL (Real Madrid-Lyon). Manchester spiller samme kveld, så forhåpentligvis kommer vi til å se den kampen på King & Queen, og da er det mulig hun kommer også :)
En ting som blir greit med å komme tilbake til skolen er å se igjen klassen og andre venner. Det er en del som drar for godt neste helg. Er veldig rart å tenke på at jeg også egentlig skulle ha dratt hjem neste helg. Vet at det ikke er alle som er like fornøyde med at jeg blir her tre mnd til, men ettersom disse seks mnd her har gått såpass fort, kan jeg tenke meg at de neste tre kommer til å fly de og.
I morgen drar jeg til London! Det er lenge siden sist nå, så det blir godt. Skal på shopping tur med Jéssica og Desireé (shoppe med penger jeg ikke har selvfølgelig). Bare det å kunne se de over en lengre periode blir bra, spesielt siden Jéssica er en av de som drar neste helg :( Kommer til å savne spanjolen min...
En ting som blir greit med å komme tilbake til skolen er å se igjen klassen og andre venner. Det er en del som drar for godt neste helg. Er veldig rart å tenke på at jeg også egentlig skulle ha dratt hjem neste helg. Vet at det ikke er alle som er like fornøyde med at jeg blir her tre mnd til, men ettersom disse seks mnd her har gått såpass fort, kan jeg tenke meg at de neste tre kommer til å fly de og.
I morgen drar jeg til London! Det er lenge siden sist nå, så det blir godt. Skal på shopping tur med Jéssica og Desireé (shoppe med penger jeg ikke har selvfølgelig). Bare det å kunne se de over en lengre periode blir bra, spesielt siden Jéssica er en av de som drar neste helg :( Kommer til å savne spanjolen min...
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