mandag 6. desember 2010


I am truly happy to say that we have finally finished and handed in our Marketing exam! :D It's been hanging over me like a big black cloud, but now there's no more to be done! It's not in my hands anymore and I've got no power over it. It feels GREAT :D

The rest of the day will be spent by cleaning the apartment (which is needed), relaxing and preparing for my co-worker talk (or something (medarbeidersamtale)) tomorrow, before I start studying for the Finance exam tomorrow morning. Who said being a student isn't fun? ;p Hehe

1 kommentar:

Stine sa...

Du er kjempeflink!!! Stolt av deg :-) Nå gleder vi oss veldig til fredag og til helga. Har skikkelig program for oss ;-)

KJemoeglad i deg! Stor klem fra stor søster