So, I've "finally" gotten to my last year of my Bachelor degree in Tourism Management (how scary isn't that?) and we're in the process of writing our Bachelor thesis. Our topic is (roughly) customer satisfaction at a hotel in the Oslo-region, Voksenåsen Kultur- og Konferansehotell. Like you see in the picture we've been here for a while, eaten a bit of crap and made a big mess. It actually looks worse in real life ;)
The process is long, hard and draining. It is also interesting and we learn a lot, so let's take the good with bad and appreciate the company we've got ;) Long days like these usually bring with it a lot of bad humor, and I've got a feeling we're just getting started.
In other news, Sir Alex Ferguson is retiring at the end of the season. That is the second thing that's been occupying me today. That news just sucked! But I can't say I blame him or am too surprised. He's been around for a long time and has had an amazing career. All I want to say, is: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! You'll never be forgotten.