mandag 31. oktober 2011

Reiselivsdagen 2011

Sorry in advance to all my English speaking (/reading) readers. (That was a strange sentence :p) I don't know if I have a better name for this event than Tourism-day, and even that seems a bit weird for me, so I'm just going to stick with the Norwegian word (Reiselivsdagen).

So anyway, today I was among some lucky and involved students who got to go to HSMAI Europe's Reiselivsdagen 2011. HSMAI stands for Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International and is the hospitality industry's source for knowledge, community and recognition for leaders committed to professional development, sales growth, revenue, optimization, marketing and branding (took that from their site,
It was a conference at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in Oslo where we listened to what some of the top people in the business had to say about where they think the industy is heading and communication was a key topic. It was highly interesting and we heard so many great speakers, for example from Google, Amadeus, HRG and TripAdvisor, among others.

We were told to forget everything we had learned. We were told that even though technology and the virtual world is here to stay (and some say take over), the employees are still the most important assets to a company. We were told that the social media is a very powerful tool, but it doesn't work if you don't know how to use it. There was so much more, but all I really want to say is that is was an amazing experience that I wouldn't want to be without, and it showed me that it is very important to build networks with the people who's already in the business, and be active during the years of studying.

It's been a really great day, and I want to give a special thanks to HSMAI Norway and HSMAI Student, and Hans Stenseng in particular in that respect, who got us BI-students involved! Looking forward to many great meetings and events in the future!

fredag 21. oktober 2011

Happy weekend!

Happy happy weekend, everybody :D

It's been a long week with school, work, projects, assignments, social happenings and football.

This weekend will be spent studying some more (cos let's face it, I'm a bit behind), watching a bit of football and some series, and a house warming party at my best friend's house tomorrow night. Think that'll be good : ) All though I'm not sure they can quite call it a house warming party seeing as they've lived there for about 8 months or so, but why care about that technicality right? ; )

Couldn't make up my mind on which picture to choose, so decided to use all of them.
And by the way, if anyone feels like coming over here to give me a massage I wouldn't really mind that ; )

Hope you'll all have a great weekend with lots of fun! Enjoy!

tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

Don't want it to end

In these One Tree Hill-lacking days, I decided to make myself miss it and look forward to it coming back in January even more than I already do. And today I FINALLY saw the date!

People; mark January 11th in your calendar, cos that's when the beginning of the end starts. Really can't wait for the 9th season to begin, even if it's only a 13 episode season and the last one :'( What am I going to do when it finishes?

Where it all began

They're all grown up now

Have a great night : ) Or day ; )

Tuesday morning at my place...

Good morning everybody! : ) Hope you've all had a good night. I have, even tough I've had all sorts of weird dreams :p And it was equally hard getting out of bed. But I'm a busy girl and just had to get up, so here I am. Sitting in bed working on the third (of five) service quality assignments.

This time it's about how companies can separate themselves from other companies. Still don't feel like I quite know what I'm doing here, but gotta get going since we're handing it in on Friday.

There's a lot happening this week, actually from now until Christmas. So let's hear it for December 15th, huh. That's when I got this semesters last exam ; ) Also looking forward to Champions League tonight! The absolute highlight of my day today!! :D

Hope you'll all have a good day. I'm really gonna try to blog more often from now on about all sorts of things.

lørdag 15. oktober 2011

Liverpool v Manchester United

Getting ready for Liverpool against United today. Actually starting to get a bit nervous. There's a lot of honor at stake, and 3 points and a good performance would be awesome!

Let's go, you Red Devils! You can do it!! :D

onsdag 5. oktober 2011

RIP Camilla < 3

I just want to dedicate a small post to a beautiful girl who was tragically taken away from our class on Friday.
She was one of the happiest people I've had the pleasure of meeting, and always open and warm. We'll have a memorial service on Monday and the funeral is on Wednesday in a week. Camilla will always be with us and we will miss you a lot.

Thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.
May she rest in peace.